I have to put in a blurb about motorcycle accessories and clothing.  What the Harley company does not understand is that not every motorcyclist wants HARLEY DAVIDSON emblazoned across their chest and shoulders.  I love all "breeds" of motorcycles and have been looking for a long time for shirts or ANYTHING motorcycle related that is not branded  by a motorcycle company name.  And soooo.................
You can imagine the smile on my face when I discovered ROAR. It is situated on the Malahat highway on Mill Bay Rd. It's a motorcycle shop not only for women but without Harley Davidson written all over the clothing.  This is now my favourite summer shirt I purchased at West Coast Roar.
They have a very attractive website which you can find here: www.westcoastroar.com  
Thank you Greer, Joley, Rhondie and Rick! What a great idea, I hope your business thrives.  And oh, you need to see Joley and Greer's personal motorcycles on the website.  Well done!    
Some things are black and white but as in life, the  grey areas are much more plentiful. 

Do I let the mountains hover over me, do I take a straight road or the winding one?  What will the  road I choose bring to me? 

One never knows what lies ahead.  The choices one makes, no matter how well thought out, can bring surprises that you may not be prepared for, or well made preparations   may not be enough. 

So then you stop.  You reassess your surroundings. Do you need to climb this mountain? Will it deplete your fuel, your entire resources?

You stay still and ponder.  Is this the best road?  Must I go back?  Do I proceed and if so in what direction?   

And then you know.  Your answer is not black and white.  It is still grey, but you know without a doubt that whatever may come, this is the best road for you. and you make your move. 
The obstacles in your road become monuments of beauty as they reroute you into places you never dreamed you would ever ride. 

(Photo taken in Canmore, AB) 
The beauty of the adventure motorcycle is that you are not confined to pavement.  This was my first dirt road with Sunna.  It was a smashing success as the thunder crashed and the lightening flashed.   close to 100 mms on gravel. Good for a start.  
Much of this road was half this width. The scenery was just what I had hoped for. 

It's been a long time since I drank out of a creek.  Delicious! 
How nice to come across an old hotel in a village with only three roads.  A nice hot breakfast was in order.  Have you ever worked on a puzzle while you were waiting for your breakfast?
Some customers had to wait patiently outside for left overs. 

If I could camp by a lake only once a year, this is where I would pitch my tent.  
The water that flows into this lake is pure and clean.  The top layer warms up enough for a comfortable swim.  The scenery is idillic and it is secluded enough that you might get some local afternoon swimmers, but the mornings and evenings are privately satisfying.
I could tell you where this is.....
But then again.....I don't have to.  It would be sad if my little Shangri-la would be over populated the next time I arrived.  There are some things that one just should not share.
In my opinion nothing can compare with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the outdoors. Oh, I love coffee shops and have my favourites but coffee brewed over a fire is like....like.....being in a garden of daisies and loving them until you spy a huge orange Gerbera. 
Boil water, throw in a handful or four of organic coffee grounds. Let it come to a boil.
Let it sit to brew.  A tablespoon of cold water will make the grounds sink.  Then pour your dark potion into your favourite travel cup.
Hopefully you have chosen a uniquely beautiful backdrop for your cup of coffee so that the experience is euphoric, something you will never forget.  
One more thing.  Coffee is great alone, but if you find the right person to sip it with the flavour is greatly enhanced. Don't you agree?    

I think BC should declare war on Washington and just drag the border south a bit to claim the Cascades and the little town of Winthrop. 
If you haven't been here, what are you waiting for?  It's my favourite little town south of the border.
They haven't mounted the Canadian flags yet. Old West store fronts and wooden walkways create an inviting cowtown atmosphere.

You couldn't find a better place to park your bike, smell the petunias and enjoy a cup of cowgirl coffee.   
How many motorcycles fit on a ferry? 
A wide angle lens would have been nice.  Years ago, crossing the ferry you might see two or three bikes on a crossing, but now the numbers are in the two digits.  Street bikes, adventure, trail, and peddle bikes fill the front deck. 
The ferry to Anacortes, Washington was the beginning of my trip to Alberta to attend a wedding. 

If you have never taken this ferry ride, do it. In my opinion it is the most scenic of the ferry routes from the island. 
Mt Baker raises it's ancient head and the islands gaze upward in awe.  
The boating business basks in the shadow of Baker's beauty.  The sun accentuates the blue of the bay.  I couldn't have been gifted with better weather or scenic wonder.  I just knew I was headed for another fantastic road trip.  
It's my party and I'll ride if I want to, ride if I want to......
You would ride too if it happened to you..la la la...
I had such a good birfdy-day today.  I was reminded again that there are so many people in my life whom I love and who love me.  I am rich with friends.  Thankyou for all the Birthday thoughts sent my way.