In my opinion nothing can compare with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the outdoors. Oh, I love coffee shops and have my favourites but coffee brewed over a fire is in a garden of daisies and loving them until you spy a huge orange Gerbera. 
Boil water, throw in a handful or four of organic coffee grounds. Let it come to a boil.
Let it sit to brew.  A tablespoon of cold water will make the grounds sink.  Then pour your dark potion into your favourite travel cup.
Hopefully you have chosen a uniquely beautiful backdrop for your cup of coffee so that the experience is euphoric, something you will never forget.  
One more thing.  Coffee is great alone, but if you find the right person to sip it with the flavour is greatly enhanced. Don't you agree?    

8/20/2012 03:26:42 pm

Craving some now.


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