Most of Canada is strewn with rivers, lakes and streams. But unlike many other areas, BC is known for it's clean water, usually unsullied by muddy lake bottoms or weeds.  Yes, I am spoiled.  I will not swim in a lake if I cannot see the bottom of it. Kamloops Lake is a body of water our family likes to float on.  
I've been wandering around BC and Alberta spending time with miscellaneous sane and whacky people, all of whom I enjoyed immensely. I've noticed more than ever that people are like water.  Some are clear, transparent.  You can see into them and it's comfortable.  You don't have to wonder what is lurking in the depths waiting to grab your leg unexpectedly.  Then there are people whose waters are murky and threatening to spill over the banks.. Their current picks up debris along the way and never lets go of it.     

When I am with people like that I want to hang on to my paddle board for dear life and hope to make it to the still clear waters of the lake. Although once I did not, I now know that lake.  The cool colour of  greenish blue, that shade of peace.  Still, the silt of the streams that flow into me sully my shoreline.  But that is the way of life.  

I want this to be my lake.

(The statements above have nothing to do with the people that are in them.  If they were I would be in big shit. Oh ya. )

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