As Accident Girl lay on her back, she recalled how she had been taught about glyconutrients and the need for feeding her cells so that her body ould heal itself more efficiently.  she decided to triple up the intake of her cell food while in recovery.  She also had a tube of the latest technology in aloe efficacy.  She applied it three times daily on her huge hematoma that reached from her waste to half way down her thigh.  She had acquired these spongy  numb bruises in her younger years when bucked off horses.  It usually took 3 months for them to disappear and even then a rise in the skin was still visible.  Exactly two weeks after her accident she looked in the mirror and there it was...gone! 
This was 3 days after her accident. It did spread a little further for a couple of days.  But then....

Eleven days later..... 

 Accident girl loves the suppliments she is taking!!! 

check it out at   I see this link is not highlighted but if you click on it you will get there.
4/9/2013 11:32:36 am

Been thinking about you. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Hi to Mike.


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