I'm dreaming about my last ride in Arizona....But,brrrr...I'm cold...I'm back on the island.  I love it here. And I love my sister and brother-in-law whom I am with until I am able to take care of myself a little better.  Perhaps until I can put on my own socks.  I need socks here.  
The trouble with travelling is that you fall in love with different parts of the countries you visit and when you leave that country you miss it.  The best of two worlds is going south in winter and north in summer.  I love Canada and would never consider residing permanently in another country no matter how much I enjoyed that country. 

My last ride with Mike and Frank, before Sunna and I were disabled, was to Julian.  A quaint little western town known for it's delicious pie.  It is also a very scenic ride, about 150 miles from Yuma.
I took so many photos with Mike's GoPro but for some reason they did not stick to the card. I am not having much luck with cameras lately, I am looking for a small automatic camera that takes good photos.  Any suggestions would be welcome. I will shop when I get well, but for now I am without a camera and that is something like an alcoholic without a drink.  
4/14/2013 08:44:23 am

Glad you made it home. Hopefully, with all your pieces! Sorry, we didn't get to see each other again, but let me know if you're down next year :)

4/15/2013 09:58:04 am

Yes Betsy, for sure. It sure was great to get together with you after all those years!


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