Keys are little  chunks of essential metal that one must keep close at hand in order to  start one's vehicle, open a private compartment or lock one's door to prevent intruders from entering the house at night.   However they do no good if one leaves the key inserted inside the lock, enters the house and locks the door from the inside. Who would do a stupid thing like that?  Or who would tell someone if they did?  Some people need a key to unlock the intelligence laying dormant in their skull.  I hope you don't think I am talking about myself.  I won't confirm or deny it.  :-) 

to change the subject....Take a good look at this tire.  If treads could talk they would tell you about all the adventures they have seen.  However, my treads are almost gone and their stories are spread out on the roads behind me.  This week I am replacing them with new ones, novice treads that begin with a blank page.  It is time for a new story.   

9/15/2012 01:32:17 am

My treds are worn out too. I need to get retired. Nice analogy about starting your own story.
The key thing. Get over it. It will happen a lot until you put the key on a chain around your neck.


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