The next morning I strolled down the beautiful hallway (by myself) and out through the double doors onto the street.  I was on the hunt (by myself) for the company of a great cup of coffee.  One of the street vendors told me where to find the "best" cup of coffee in San Jose. 

I wandered past the banana blossom and through the big double doors that led out to the main street in San Jose Del Cabo. 

Turned left once, ten steps and then left again and ....voila!  I found it!   
The guy was right.  Best coffee in town.  There used to be only one coffee shop in San Jose and the coffee, although espresso, did not entice me to a second cup.  But THIS!!!  Mmmmm....

I blame my love, no my addiction to coffee on my son Josh who, years ago, was a barista  at Starbucks in Kerrisdale, Vancouver.  He and his wife lived in a suite that overlooked the front of the coffee shop.  Wendy was a student at UBC.  At certain times of the day when Josh was not too busy he would come outside and wave to me on the balcony and I would come down for a coffee.  I didn't even LIKE coffee but he made these treats like Caramel Machiatos, and Vanilla lattes, and it was like eating a chocolate bar. I grew to like the strong flavour of an espresso made coffee and now I just love a two shot Americano.  Me, who used to get irritated with people who "had to" have their coffee. I owned a B&B and I did not understand until later the importance of a good cuppa in the morning for my guests.  Drip coffee was what they got and if any of you are reading this, I apologize profusely because now I know that real coffee is pretty much Ghandi in a cup.  
2/26/2013 11:53:49 am

Oh dear! You have become one of 'them'.

2/27/2013 11:38:37 pm

I like what Stephanie's friend posted on Facebook: I apologize to all those who knew me before I discovered coffee.


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