I hope you haven't given up on me.  I have had very poor internet service again.  My patience wears out when I have to wait 5 minutes or more for a photo to load.  I hope it works today.
A friend once said to me, "Chris, there is no sense in you and I being friends because we have nothing in common."  In the end she realized that even though, at the time, we were nothing like each other in the things we did and our life styles, we were very much alike in other ways.  We are now very close friends.  Shoes.....so different in styles, but all save our feet  from the rough ground. 
This is the walking trail on the edge of the Grande Canyon.  Very accessible to all, even wheel chairs.  So if you think you can't enjoy a hike to see all the splendour think again.  Put your runners on and just do it. 
There are even benches with a panoramic view for those who can't do the whole walk at once.  
As we walked we heard this beautiful music floating on the breeze.  We stopped and sat on a bench while this person played his bamboo flute. It was magical in the late afternoon with the shadows in the canyon and the fresh air in  our lungs.  We were both touched deeply by the beauty around us that filled all our senses.  
The photographer told us to look up Rahman on utube, So when we got back we found he is a very famous musician.  So our visit to the Grande Canyon was capped with a very nice cherry on top.  Or rather a luscious ripe mango.  

Lis Friesen
2/18/2012 05:23:46 am

What a glorious creation!!. I'm so happy that you got to experience all that beauty and the bonus of the cherry on top ! I'm reminded of seeing it for the first time myself and I think of the majesty of it all.

2/18/2012 11:32:07 am

Wow! You did stay until sunset.


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