It was a toss up between the Coquihala and the old Kamloops to Merrit highway.  I did not get many photos simply because I was afraid to take my hand off the grip to press the shutter button.  It was a virtual wind tunnel and at times felt like my bike would be swept out from under me.  Wind can be as dangerous as snow.  
Another thing I learned today was that if you are subletting your rental suite you must keep it a secret. I was asked to step into the interrogation room at the border today.  I was asked a lot of questions I have never been asked before. Fortunately I was questioned by a nice  young man who "let me go" in spite of the fact that I have no "home" left in Canada that would draw me back across the border in 6 months. Although the property managers are still withdrawing the monthly rent from my account and I have a contract with them, it made no difference.   So take note travellers, if you are subletting, you may not be allowed to step into our friendly next door country.  The fact that I have never had any difficult border crossings (except for the apple that might or might not have a sticker on it, last year) and all my family members live in Canada made no difference. I am homeless and without a job. Oh dear.  I am not worried because I am on the south side of the border now, thanks to Shoemaker.  Yes, he had a name tag. 
We spent the day yesterday visiting family in Abbotsford.  I got to visit my Dad who is 90 years old, as well as two of my siblings and most of their kids. It was good to meet Mike's niece who shared her excellent hospitality with us.  
And now....on to the coast. I'm so excited. We turn off at Olympia and join the #1 highway at Aberdeen tomorrow. 
10/22/2012 02:36:12 pm

Nice road pics!


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