A stroll from the campsite down a path and a boardwalk takes you to Long Beach.  Because of the wolf sighting I think, there were few people and no dogs on the large expanse of sandy shoreline.
Some people travel long distances to visit beautiful places like this island. On my motorcycle, as though in a dream, I get to ride the island, drinking in the natural beauty as though it were a glass of the finest Champaign.
I ask myself, "Is this a dream?" Then I photograph parts of me against a backdrop of scenery so that later I can confirm that, "Yes, it IS a dream!  And I am living that dream."
The ocean is an intoxicating drink to the eyes.
And the rain forest breathes life into my limbs.
My mind is emptied of all other needs...........................Except of course..........................
My legal addictions.  :-)
8/3/2013 03:02:42 pm

I knew it! I just knew it! This would eventually be about coffee or chocolate. We must be related.

Sis Chris
8/3/2013 03:22:13 pm

Is this why you check my blog daily with bated breath brother? lol


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