In a field of sage and grass she sat, fat and sassy.  We were camped overlooking the Thomson River just east of Kamloops. I drove the five hours, plus a two hour ferry ride, to see what it felt like to be on a motorcycle for more than ninety minutes.  It was better than I expected.  I was preparing myself for some longer road trips.    
I pitched my little tent under a lone pine tree and because I no longer had a dog to watch over me, Sylvie was my sentinel on the ridge. 

I had a feeling that I had just ridden through a gate into the rest of my life on a road that was leading me to pure adventure. 

12/19/2011 02:03:56 pm

Whoah everything, it's changed. Looks real good. Font takes a little getting used to. My eyes went wonky, haha.

1/5/2012 02:35:28 am

you are, dear friend, you are....


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