We pulled into Puerto Escondito just because.  From there we followed a very bumpy road into Rattlesnake Beach where we were treated with great hospitality by the local camping fishermen.  We decided to spend the night.
Since I sprained my wrist Mike has become my slave.  He does most of the setting up and breaking of camp.  I'm very grateful for his uncomplaining attitude about everything. I am able to do some things with my left hand and am thankful that I can use my clutch or I would not be able to ride home.  Aarrgh!
This is one thing I can do!  And I do it often.  

This was another one of the gorgeous views from our tent.  It is going to be hard to leave the Sea of Cortes behind us. 
We stopped for a break just north of Loreto and noticed that with the naked eye we could see a school of fish that were quite large and coloured black, white and yellow.  We took out the binoculars and to our surprise we saw huge schools of fish of all kinds.  It was teaming with them, as well as a sting ray that was flashing reflections of the sun at us.  
We are taking our time north, short days of riding and enjoying the beaches along the way.  Will keep you posted when I can. 
1/31/2012 10:49:55 am

Keep up with the posts. It's fun to tag along.


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