Our last night in Mexico we met some very friendly fishermen.
I was skeptical. Flat sandy beach and big waves...didn't look like a place where there would be fish.  But what do I know?
They waded in up to their chest and then stretched out the net.  Suddenly the younger fellow started laughing and yelling and together they pulled the net to shore.  

This was the result of their first cast.  I'm not sure what kind of fish they are. Perhaps Tilapia?

These were the smallest ones.  They told us to take some fish for supper and we barbecued them on the coals, so fresh they were still twitching. Look who is excited!
3/21/2013 12:00:36 pm

We have seen this on Banderas Bay. You can see the silver schools of fish as the waves swell. As soon as they get close to shore, the nets are thrown. Where the Pelicans are diving is also a good clue as to where the schools of fish will show up.


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