When I arrived back in Phoenix to my gracious host's place, they invited me to watch a parade in the old town of Scottsdale. 
YOu will notice that most of my photos I took at this parade ar at a bad angle.  That is because there was a certain gentleman who stood out in front of everyone and was constantly in my viewfinder when I was ready to press the shutter.   I wanted to say to him afterward, "Excuse me sir but I need your name because you are on every one of my photos."  
I was told that this is the largest horse parade on the continent. 
I met Lisa last time I was here, She is the woman holding the reins and who owns this team of Friesians.  She is a horse dentist and travels to Alaska to do business there.  I have never met anyone who loves their life as much as she does.   
I think we should go back to the old styles of vehicles.  Rust and all.  
I've always loved horses and still do.  Sometimes I get the urge to have one again. But that would drastically change my lifestyle now.  I am so happy that the Rain Miestre  needs so little care and so far has cost me very little.  She costs much less to feed and carries me to distant places where I see amazing things that I have wanted to see all my life.  by the way, it hasn't rained on me for so long I think I must change the name of my motorcycle.  Got any ideas?   
Here she sits at 6000 ft elevation on the pass to Prescott about a week ago.  The sun was shining....no rain.
2/19/2012 08:55:05 am

Fantastic pics!!


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