"Hey People! If you have any crumbs I'm over here!"  
There was a whole family of squatters at the cabin. I sure enjoyed watching these little critters dash from cover to cover with their chubby little bodies.  

......and there was a boat.....and a river.....and fishing rods.......and......and.......leeches for bait!!!! .....and yes, I had to bait my own hook.  Surprisingly I did not have to be hauled out on a stretcher and admitted into the psyche ward.  I've never touched leeches before and I'm not going to lie to you, it was as bad as I thought it would be.  
Did you see it?
Proof that leeches are good for something!
We had a fish fry feast that night after the guys did the dirty work. Perch and Jackfish, both very tasty. 

Did you know there are pelicans in northern Alberta? I think we stole their fishing hole.
Where did they come from and where are they going to? I will have to research these birds because I thought they were southern dwellers.  

7/16/2012 01:39:31 am

I was surprised to see Pelicans sitting on the sand bars of the river in Saskatoon. I thought that would be as far north as they would go, but there is a place in northern Sask. called Pelican Narrows so obviously they go much further north. So how do you catch the leeches? Dangle you bare legs in the water for a few minutes?


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