This is not exactly a balanced diet but these are a variety of foods that my small meals consist of.  On a motorcycle there is not much room to carry food.  Everything must be compressed to it's smallest form. Some of this fruit I dried and brought from home.  I eat when I feel hungry. I stop and pop a few dried items in my mouth and drink lots of water.  It is easy to become dehydrated when you are in the weather all day. I love the freedom I have from the three meals a day habit. I don't miss cooking but I do love a cooked meal now and then.  There are plenty of places to get that.  My diet may not be completely balanced...but then neither am I. :-)
This is Jim and his travelling cat, Nemo. At first it irked me that he parked so close to my tent, but I ended up really enjoying his company.  He lives in San Diego and keeps active by surfing. He is a very interesting fellow and loves sharing whatever he has with a motorcyclist who has no fridge or cooler.   I was sorry when he left.  
My motorcycle does so many good things for me.  Does she not make me look so very thin like my sister?  

It is countdown to D-day.  Tomorrow I will do some last minute shopping and get my front tire changed.  On Sunday I will twiddle my thumbs and hum some happy little tunes all day because on Monday we will be crossing the Mexican border on the first phase of our travels on the Baja.  I'm pretty stoked.  

1/7/2012 01:50:57 am

We always meet interesting people when we travel. We find most Americans easy to talk to and quite open.
Watch out! You are what you eat and that fruit has a lot of wrinkles in it.
We too are pumped about going to Mexico. Four more sleeps.

1/7/2012 07:24:51 am

You either have a pet Koala those eucalyptus leaves are medicinal.

Lis Friesen
1/7/2012 11:09:17 am

What are those things that look like cig-butts ?

1/8/2012 02:11:52 am

They ARE cig butts.....they keep me going. Actually they are dates, I call them goose poops.


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