As the sun slowly dropped behind the Long Beach horizon I gazed at the disappearing ghost of an  off shore island.  I reflected on life. Like this spectre it changes  when light casts itself from different angles. The ideas of today are different than they will be tonight or tomorrow. Truth can be hidden or revealed by the direction and intensity of light.  All of us most likely have a mistic island in our lives.  We wish we had seen more clearly to find the beauty behind the fog.    
Some of us wish for the island to disappear completely and with it the inhabitants of truth.  But there will always be flotsam washing up on our shores.  We must gather the treasures and discard the trash. 
And at the end of the day the setting sun will reveal everything in a most beautiful light.  
Even if the chocolate is all gone....
8/8/2013 12:01:31 pm

Whoa what a sunset!


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