It wasn't the raw oysters that slid down my throat.

Nor was it the authentic Mexican restaurants that we chose to eat in.
It wasn't the high altitude at which we suddenly found ourselves
But somehow......somewhere, I picked up a bacteria and my body tried very  hard to expel it through every orifice in my body.  I had to have a house visit from a doctor.  This would never happen in Canada.  And if it did  it would have cost alot more than $80.  I was thankful to get some medical help for a quick recovery.    
3/15/2013 12:11:23 am

We're happy you recovered!

3/15/2013 01:37:07 am

Glad you have recovered. Maybe straying from your usual campgrounds is what caused it :) My friend Ian has now also recovered after three days in the hospital in Puerto Vallarta.


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