Our footprint of life   makes the deepest impression when we are young, full of life and energy. On hindsight we wish we would have made those indentations a little deeper. When we become old any new mark we make in the sands of time become feeble. If we make any mark at all it seems to be erased by the slightest breeze.  
Then one day we find ourselves unable to make any mark at all.  And that is when we pass ourselves into the hands of those we have loved and imprinted with our lives.  We rely on the past to carry the present.  We allow someone to step into our prints and help us into the unknown.  
We carry nothing with us but who we have been and who we are, which in itself becomes barely visible.  But the prints we leave behind us will last for generations. Wether positive or negative they will play themselves out on the sands of time.  This makes a sad and happy smoothy in my heart.  
12/31/2012 01:28:48 am

The 'prints' made by the desert branch, and the winter grass are random, a result of blowing in the wind. The prints we leave, are the result of deliberate acts, both calculated and misclaculated, but all by choice. Unfortunately, not always with understanding.

1/3/2013 12:30:26 am

True about the tracks of the desert plants however there is a slight similarity. There are marks some leave behind that were not calculated or miscalculated. They are the results of strong winds blowing in their lives that gave them no option of choice. Anyways, this is only picture and I was reminded of a beautiful woman I am caring for who has made her mark in this world and is now so fragile that her last marks will be made as a result of the winds that blow around her.

1/10/2013 01:27:38 am

I like your your metaphor, Chris. You have a beautiful way of expressing your thoughts.

1/10/2013 01:44:42 am

Thankyou Stephanie.

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