Charlene, an old friend of mine just happened to be in Arizona at the same time as I was.  We connected online and she invited me to spend a couple of days with her at the Grande Canyon. 
It was more than memorable, it was awesome, amazing, inspiring, relaxing, and lots of fun!
We must have taken hundreds of photos.  It's hard to choose which ones to post.
I just love how in America the government lets you choose exactly how stupid you want to be. There were very few railings along the trail that stood between the hiker and the edge.  So if you really wanted to, you could get a closer look at what was down there.
This can inspire some very deep thoughts.
As long as your feet are on solid ground, your peripheral surroundings should have little effect on you.  To live on the edge is to experience life at it's fullest.  To have no fear is to be free.   
2/12/2012 01:50:58 pm

I still think that the Grand Canyon is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen. Regarding your comments on its age: When we flew to Mexico a few weeks ago, and then again on the way home, we passed over the Grand Canyon and some of the other marvels of the desert in the southwest. I was fascinated by the formations as they appear from the air. Then, as we were walking the beach, I noticed the similarities in the formations that were made as the huge waves would recede from the beach every few seconds, and then again as the tide was receding leaving rivulets and tiny canyons in the firm sand. What really struck me for the very first time was the incredible similarities between what I saw from the air and what I saw closeup on the beach. I believe this is evidence for the canyon forming rather quickly, just on a much larger scale. The formations are so very evident from 35,000 ft. on a clear day.
And your photos are marvelous, although, like any photo of the Grand Canyon, they do not begin to do the grandeur of scale justice.

2/13/2012 02:01:14 pm

Squirrels enjoy same technique for viewing the canyon. I got pics to prove it!

2/13/2012 11:23:16 pm

hmmmmm, the edge??? ;) xoxo

2/18/2012 11:34:01 am

That edge you were perched on? I heard the next day it fell into the canyon.


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