At first the hats looked silly, sitting in stacks with no heads under them.  But then a little voice squeaked, "Try me on!" and we heard it. The hats were waiting for a chance to enhance someone's beauty.  And they really knew what they were doing, don't you think? 
My sister thought she could get away with it.  She geared up and had that big grin on her face that people always do when they are about to mount a Yamaha V-Star
There was just one glitch.  She didn't know how to get it running.  

Note the evil grin on her face.  She is happy in leathers however she cannot get the kickstand up.

I think we should take her to Sturgis, but we would need body guards. 
This is no motorcycle mama....this is Ronny's Biker Babe.   What is she getting for her next birthday?  Comments anyone?

1/2/2012 03:26:15 am

She'll be getting a dirt bike ..... but that's not the same. Love the photos!

1/2/2012 04:10:40 am

Cool photoshoots. So you had to take the bus back to Arizona then?

1/4/2012 07:00:43 am

Cool font but it's hard on the eyes. Maybe I'm the only one?

1/5/2012 03:06:08 am

Sorry about that. I have tried to change it and it keeps going back to this font. I guess we will have to learn to read it because we can. :-)


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