We spent a couple of nights at Rattlesnake Beach beside Puerto Escondito.  It's near Loreto and I love the mountains there.  But the sand is very fine and dirty.  Our tents were swallowing huge mouths full of the stuff and after a couple of nights of that we brushed the dirt off our feet and left.  But only after we met an interesting man who makes flutes and plays them.  Their tone was soft, low and pleasing to the ear beside the campfire at night. 

Ben spent one more night with us in La Paz and then we parted ways.  He followed the west coast to Cabo  and we took a road on the east side that I have never seen before. 

Everywhere we camp we find Canadians, alot of whom are from Alberta and Vancouver Island.  We have finished Andy's grapefruit that were stowed away from Yuma. We have also eaten a couple of bags of oranges we bought beside the road. Very sweet.
Frank Eleanor
2/20/2013 02:10:36 am

Good to see all is well, and you are progressing south. Keep the good stories coming.........f&e


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